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Webpack modules & patching

Webpack is a library used by Discord to turn their codebase into a bundled JavaScript file. Code gets converted into Webpack “modules”, which are individual functions that can require and load each other. You can think of them as individual files, each with their own code and exports, but converted into single functions inside of the client. Each module is minified, which means that its source has no whitespace and variable names are often short.

moonlight functions off of text-based matching with strings or regexes against the minified source code of the Webpack modules. This is much faster than looking through every Webpack module’s exports, and offers a lot of flexibility to find modules simply by looking for patterns that represent the code itself.

Extensions can combine patching existing Webpack modules, inserting their own Webpack modules, and using existing Webpack modules together to offer a lot of flexibility and power. Almost anything in the client can be modified, reused, or extended.


Patching is the process of altering the code of Webpack modules. It allows extensions to find and replace snippets of minified code. You can use patches to change behavior in existing Webpack modules.

To create a patch, export them from your extension’s web entrypoint:

import { Patch } from "@moonlight-mod/types";
export const patches: ExtensionWebExports["patches"] = [
find: "...",
replace: {
match: "...",
replacement: "..."

A patch consists of three parts:

  • find dictates what Webpack module we want to patch. It is matched against the code of all Webpack modules, and once the match is found, it patches that module. Because of this, the match must be specific to a single module.
  • match is used to find the piece of code we want to patch inside of the target Webpack module. The area of code that is matched is replaced with the replacement.
  • replacement is the code that replaces the matched code.

find and match can both be regular expressions. find can also be the name of a mapped module. replacement can either be a string or a function that returns a string. When replacement is a function, the first argument will be the matched string, and the subsequent arguments will be the matched groups (if any).

If you have multiple patches targeting the same module, replace can be an array. By default, it will try to apply all patches in the array. If you want to only apply the patches if every patch succeeds, set hardFail to true.

You can also set the type field in replace to PatchReplaceType.Module, in which case the replacement will be used as the entire module’s code. This completely overrides it, breaking other extensions that patch the same module, so use it wisely.

When match is a regex and replacement is a function, it will be passed the groups matched in the regex. This is useful for capturing and reusing the minified variable names. You can use \i as a shorthand to match minified variable names.

Inside of patches, you have access to module, exports, and require. You can use the Webpack require function to load your own Webpack modules.


Using a regex for a match

// From Disable Sentry
export const patches: ExtensionWebExports["patches"] = [
find: "window.DiscordErrors=",
replace: {
match: /uses_client_mods:\(0,.\..\)\(\)/,
replacement: "uses_client_mods:false"

Using a function as a replacement

// From Settings
export const patches: ExtensionWebExports["patches"] = [
find: 'navId:"user-settings-cog",',
replace: {
match: /children:\[(.)\.map\(.+?\),{children:.\((.)\)/,
replacement: (orig, sections, section) =>

Replacing an entire module

// From Disable Sentry
export const patches: ExtensionWebExports["patches"] = [
find: "window.DiscordSentry=",
replace: {
type: PatchReplaceType.Module,
replacement: () => () => {
// no-op

Writing good patches

It is suggested to follow some guidelines when writing patches:

  • Never hardcode minified variable names. Use \i (or ./.{1,2} if you prefer), so the patch still functions when the names change.
  • Use capture groups (e.g. (.)) to use previous variable names and snippets of code in your patches.
  • Keep logic inside of the patch to a minimum, and instead use require to load your own Webpack module.

Webpack module insertion

Similar to patching, extensions can also insert their own Webpack modules. These can be required like normal modules (which means they can be used inside of patches and other extensions). Extension Webpack modules take the form of ${}_${} (e.g. the stores Webpack module in the common extension has the ID common_stores).

Webpack modules can be created in the webpackModules folder of your extension:

  • ./src/<your extension>/webpackModules/<webpack module name>.ts
  • ./src/<your extension>/webpackModules/<webpack module name>/index.ts

Define the module in index.ts, and restart the dev server:

export const webpackModules: ExtensionWebExports["webpackModules"] = {
someModule: {
// Add dependencies/entrypoint if you need to.

You can also specify the Webpack module as a function, if you don’t like ESM Webpack modules:

export const webpackModules: ExtensionWebExports["webpackModules"] = {
someModule: {
run: (module, exports, require) => {
// Do whatever!

Specify entrypoint to run on startup. If you need to run after a certain Webpack module, or use another module as a library, specify dependencies:

export const webpackModules: ExtensionWebExports["webpackModules"] = {
moduleName: {
dependencies: [
{ ext: "common", id: "stores" },
{ id: "discord/Dispatcher" }
entrypoint: true

If you want types for import statements, you can automatically generate them based off of the exports with a declaration file:

declare module "@moonlight-mod/wp/sampleExtension_someLibrary" {
export * from "sampleExtension/webpackModules/someLibrary";

When using export default or export something in a ESM Webpack module, you will need to do require().default or require().something to access it. You can also use module.exports from inside of the Webpack module, but it is not recommended.

Webpack module dependencies

As seen above, extension Webpack modules must specify their dependencies. They will not be inserted until these dependencies have been loaded.

You can specify:

  • Extension IDs and Webpack module names (e.g. { ext: "common", id: "stores" })
  • Webpack module names (e.g. { id: "discord/Dispatcher" })
  • Strings and regexes to match against other modules
    • Use this if you’re using Spacepack to find modules dynamically.

Importing other Webpack modules

Extensions and the mappings repository offer many Webpack modules to use as libraries in your code.

You can import other Webpack modules by prefixing the ID with @moonlight-mod/wp:

import AppPanels from "@moonlight-mod/wp/appPanels_appPanels";

Custom extensions and libraries need to be typed with a declare module in a .d.ts:

declare module "@moonlight-mod/wp/yourExtension_someModule" {
export const something: () => void;

If you need to require a module, you should specify the type as the Webpack require:

import type { WebpackRequireType } from "@moonlight-mod/types";
const webpackRequire = require as unknown as WebpackRequireType;
const AppPanels = require("appPanels_appPanels").default;

Importing Discord’s Webpack modules

Sometimes, you need to import a module that isn’t mapped yet. You can use Spacepack to find a module yourself. The most common API is spacepack.findByCode to find a module based on a unique string in its source code. You can combine this with other functions (like spacepack.findObjectByKey and friends) to make your way through the exports if you need.

After locating a module, you can access its exports and use it like normal. Common uses of exports include using React components, calling functions, accessing Flux stores, and more.

Remember to add the module as a dependency, which will wait to load your Webpack module until the find is matched. The module must be loaded when you attempt to look for it using findByCode!

Common patterns

You will see familiar things when reading Discord Webpack modules:

  • The pattern n(/* some number */) represents a require, and is another module ID inside of the argument. You can pass that module ID to spacepack.inspect to read the required module source in DevTools.
  • Z and ZP usually correspond to default exports. Despite being minified, these export names are stable.
  • Mentions of jsx and createElement imply construction of React components.