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Publishing a new release

Publishing moonlight

moonlight CI builds the develop branch automatically. This section is for publishing a new stable, versioned release.

  • Checkout the main branch.
  • Merge develop into main.
  • Update the version in package.json and write
    • Do not append to the changelog - remake it.
  • If any types changes were made in this release, publish the types.
  • Commit and push to main.
  • Create a tag with the version, starting with the character v: git tag vX.Y.Z
    • This v is very important. CI will not pick it up otherwise. The installers will not know what to do without it.
  • Push the tag: git push --tags
  • Checkout the develop branch.
  • Merge main into develop.
  • Push to develop.

Publishing types

  • Update the version in packages/types/package.json.
    • The version of types does not need to be in sync with the version of moonlight.
  • Commit and push to main.
    • If releasing a stable build of moonlight, make sure the main version bump and types version bump are in the same commit.
  • Publish the package: pnpm publish --access public
    • Publish from within the packages/types directory.
  • In the sample extension, update the types package: pnpm update @moonlight-mod/types
  • Commit and push to the sample extension.

Publishing LunAST/moonmap/mappings

  • Update package.json with a new version.
  • Commit and push to main.
  • Create a tag with the version, starting with the character v: git tag vX.Y.Z
    • Same reasoning as above.
  • Push the tag: git push --tags
  • Wait for the package to be uploaded to npm.
  • Use the update helper script to update the dependencies in moonlight.